The world’s first truly resilient and intelligent SIM card that monitors connectivity and actively switches profile to guarantee uptime.

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Why choose rSIM?

Mobile network outages are increasing in frequency and severity, impacting millions of devices requiring substantial investment to fix. rSIM uses new patented technology to check its own network connectivity and switch providers automatically when disruptions occur, minimising the chances of the SIM and the device becoming disconnected during outages. 

With two independent mobile operator profiles stored on the single SIM card, rSIM significantly reduces the risk of outages by switching to a backup mobile operator profile if an outage is detected. 

  • Device agnostic allowing seamless integration with any application
  • Patented technology used to actively switch profiles to minimise downtime
  • Reducing loss of connectivity from hours to minutes
  • Accommodate increasing numbers of devices and higher data volumes
  • GSMA standards compliant

For many IoT applications, a guaranteed connection is critical.

The requirement for always on, real-time connectivity is increasing as more devices rely on a constant, uninterrupted mobile connection.

Ready to find out more?

Contact us today to learn more about rSIM. Our team of experts is always available to answer your questions and provide support.

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