GradeShift UDL


Q - The Red Fault LED is continuously flashing, what does this mean?

A. This happens when the unit is first powered and needs to download its configuration file from the Gemini Platform which can take 5-8 minutes. You must ensure that the Yellow Service (SVC) LED is flashing every 3-5 seconds, which indicates that the unit is connected to the mobile network.

Q - The GradeShift repeats the ‘power-up' sequence but never completes it.

A. The power supply has a low output voltage or is unable to supply the current required by the GradeShift when it is activated. Check the power supply with a multimeter. Also, test the GradeShift's operation when powered by a ‘known good' 12 volt battery.

Q -The Red Fault LED is on, what is the problem?

A. Please refer to the error code on the SSD and the error code list at the end of this document.

Q -Triggering via ‘Dial Capture' does not seem to work.

A. During communication between the Control Panel and the GradeShift, the display should show ‘DC'. If ‘DC' is displayed, but c1, c2, c3, A is not, the panel may not be compatible or is configured to send a protocol that GradeShift does not recognise. If available, check the Control Panel's programming and select an alternate signalling format. Please check our online compatibility table for the latest list of compatible Control Panels and formats:

Q - The ARC is not receiving messages.

A. In most cases the GradeShift will explain the reason a signal cannot be sent to your ARC using an error code shown on the SSD. If, after trying to rectify the displayed fault, the GradeShift can still not transmit to your ARC please contact CSL Technical Support.





0 No Errors N/A
l o Low supply voltage Check supply voltage
1 NVM missing or not fitted correctly Check NVM fitted correctly
2 NVM data error. Not programmed correctly Check NVM programming. Call CSL Technical Support
3 NVM checksum fault Check NVM programming. Call CSL Technical Support
4 Power Fault. Voltage low etc. Check supply voltage is in the 10 - 30 volt range at all times
5 485 Bus Port enabled but comms have failed Check the 485 Bus Port connections to the Control Panel or the Plug-on Adapter
10 Radio. No base stations detected Check aerial connection and base station signals
11 Radio. Not registered on any GPRS network Check SIM card and base station signals. Call CSL Technical Support
12 Radio. No response from radio module Check module is fitted correctly. Check power. Call CSL Technical Support
13 SIM card missing or not fitted correctly Check SIM card is fitted correctly
14 SIM card locked/disabled. No radio path operation possible PUK Code required to unlock SIM. Call CSL Technical Support
15 SIM card PIN number is wrong Check SIM PIN number in NVM. Call CSL Technical Support
17 Radio module faulty Power down. Wait 1 minute. Re-power & re-check. Call CSL Technical Support
18 Radio. Interference or jamming signals detected Check local radio environment. Use a CSL Signal Analyser
21 PSTN line DC voltage = low or none Check PSTN connections to A&B terminals
22 PSTN. A phone, fax, etc. on the same line is off hook Check for another phone, fax, etc. on the same line as DualCom or disable detection in the NVM
23 PSTN. Incoming ringing detected Disable incoming ringing with Telephone supplier or disable detection in the NVM
24 PSTN dialling attempt. No dial tone Check PSTN connections and that the service is available
25 PSTN. All call attempts have failed Check PSTN connections and that the service is available
31 PSTN. Three successive call attempts have failed Check SIM card fitted correctly. Check GPRS service
32 Radio / GPRS fault Check SIM card fitted correctly. Check GPRS service. Check NVM programming
41 Radio / GRPS communications failure Check Ethernet Cable is connected to LAN (IP) card. Check LAN cable is correctly connected to LAN Router/Hub/Switch at other end
43 LAN Ethernet Cable (e.g. Cat5) not connected Check LAN wiring, Router, power supplies and DualCom's IP programming. Call CSL Technical Support
44 No response from the Default gateway. (the Router to the Internet) Check DualCom's IP programming. Check Router is not firewalled. Call CSL Technical Support
45 LAN communications failed Check DualCom's IP programming. Check Router is not firewalled. Check Gemini Secondary Polling Server. Call CSL Technical Support
47 Invalid Router, Gateway or WAN address Check DualCom's IP programming
51 Radio path. All call attempts have failed. Check all Radio settings in the NVM. Call CSL Technical Support
99 NVM data error. Not programmed correctly Check NVM programming. Call CSL Technical Support


To alert the User and Installer to critical error conditions, after the normal sounder beeps have timed out the GradeShift unit will continue to beep once every 5 minutes.