CSL Router


Q: Why do my signal LEDs not light up or show low signal strength?

A: Ensure that the supplied aerial is attached to the MAIN connector. Reposition the Router away from interference or in a better position for mobile signal coverage using the green LEDs as guidance. Alternatively, try using an external High Gain Aerial.

Q: Why does my PWR Config LED flash quickly?

A: The Router is in factory configuration mode. Check you have a medium to good signal strength and wait for 4-5 minutes. If the Config LED continues to flash contact CSL Technical Support.

Q: I have connected my IP device to the ethernet port but do not see any activity and cannot connect to the device.

A: Check the IP device is connected properly and configured. Power down the device and re-power whilst connected to the Router.

Q: What is the reset button for?

A: Pressing reset for 1-2 seconds will perform a soft reboot of the device which can be used to force the unit to reconnect to the mobile network. Do not press the button for longer than three seconds unless advised by CSL Technical Support services.

Green - double flash Router is booting after power up
Green - flashing quickly Router is in factory config mode
Green - permanently on Router has completed boot process and is ready
SIM Status Off Router is not connected to a Mobile Data Network
Green flashing Router is attempting to connect to a Mobile Data Network
Green on Router has successfully connected to a Mobile Data Network
Signal Strength Green – off/off No cellular radio signal detected
Green – on/off Low cellular radio signal detected
Green – off/on Medium cellular radio signal detected
Green – on/on Good cellular radio signal detected
Wi-Fi-Status Off Optional Wi-Fi capability not enabled
Green - on Wi-Fi capability enabled
Green - on/flashing Data activity is occuring via Wi-Fi