Panel Connection – Serial RS232

Manufacturer Pyronix
Model Euro
Version 46
Minimum DualCom Pro Firmware DualCom Pro: V2.24
DualCom Pro 2: V2.0.1
Minimum Panel Firmware V10
Cable required? Lead Provided with DualCom Pro
Panel Profile Pyronix-Euro-RS232
Panel Bus Connection RS232
Technical Notes N/A
on completion of programming the Pyronix requires a reboot to establish the electrical connection to the DualCom Pro

Panel Connection Information

Manufacturer Panel Connection Cable/Plug On Supplied Cables
Pyronix Euro RS232 6 Pin Green - RTN
Blue - RS232-R
Red - RS232-T

serial cable

Panel Programming

  • Enter “Engineer Mode” > Select “Communications” > “Program ARC/SMS”
  • Select “ARC Details” > Set “Format” to WebWayOne [141] > Set “SIA Ack Char” [006] > Set “SIA
    Nack Char” [021]
  • “Valid Areas” is Engineer’s choice > “Area Accounts” is Engineer’s choice
  • Set “ARC Account” to “Site ID/Account No” > Set “Redials” [003] > Set “Time Out” [30]
  • “Test Calls” is Engineer's choice > “Event Types” is Engineer's choice
  • On completion of programming the Pyronix requires a reboot to establish the electrical connection to the DualCom Pro

Remote Access Programming

  • Go to ‘Set Up Downloading’ > “Set Download” by (WebWayOne) [4]
  • Set “Poll Timeout” [10] > Set “Modem Init Timeout” [060]
  • Set “Rings to Answer” [1] > Set “Comm Tx Timeout” [030] > Set “Comm Dial Tmout” [030]
  • Set “UDL Tx Timeout” [02] > Set “Redials” [03] > Set “Roving Dial” to No [0] > Set “Auto Upload”
    to “No” [0]
  • “UDL Password” is Engineer's choice > “Site Name” is Engineer's choice
  • Go into “Communications Menu” and select "No "until “Advanced Communications” > press
    “Yes” until “ARM PC Tel NO.”
  • Enter 1111
  • Press YES until Program PC 1 and enter 1111 again