DualCom Setup

  • Place the Texecom panel in engineer mode
  • Connect the aerial provided to the DualCom
  • Connect the DualCom directly to the COM 2400 board via the “to panel digi” port on the DualCom
  • The DualCom will go through its power up/registration process which will take approximately 2-3 minutes
  • The top “SVC” LED will start to pulse like a heartbeat once locked onto the network
  • The signal strength will then be displayed
  • Leave the DualCom to conduct an internal network survey – this will happen automatically. The display will show 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, etc
  • Once the survey is complete you then need to proceed to panel programming
  • If triggered inputs on the DualCom are being utilised in fast format then proceed to “Panel Programming (UDL)”
  • Panel Programming (SIA)
  • Enter engineering menu
  • Press down arrow until you reach “UDL/Digi Options”, then press YES
  • Press down arrow until you reach “Program Digi”, then press YES
  • Display shows “ARC 1 Protocol Disabled”. Press NO and then down arrow until “SIA Level II” is displayed
  • Press YES, then YES again, display shows “Primary No”. Press NO and enter number 01 followed by YES
  • Press down arrow once to “Secondary No”, then press NO and enter number 01 followed by YES
  • Press YES until “Account Number” is displayed, press NO then enter the DualCom’s chip number followed by YES
  • Press down arrow to “Config (* * * * * * * *)” press NO then down arrow until Send SIA Text is displayed, press No and display will now show “Send SIA Text (* * * * * * * T)” press YES
  • Press menu then down arrow until “Digi Options” is displayed, press YES
  • “Digi Options (* * * * * *)” is displayed, press NO twice
  • Display will now show “Digi is Enabled (E * * * * *)” press YES
  • Unit is now setup to send SIA to the ARC via the dial capture ports

Panel Programming (UDL)

(Note if you have completed SIA programming then skip to point 5)

  • From engineering menu press down arrow until you reach “UDL/Digi Options”, press YES
  • Press down arrow until “Digi Options” is displayed, press YES
  • “Digi Options (* * * * * *)” is displayed, press NO twice
  • Display will now show “Digi is Enabled (E * * * * *) press YES then menu
  • Press down arrow until you reach “UDL Options” press YES
  • Press down arrow until you reach “UDL Password” factory default is 1234, this is optional if you wish to change then press NO and enter your password followed by YES
  • Press down arrow until “UDL Options (* *MD * * *) is displayed ? The “D” needs removing, press NO then number 3, display now should show (**M****), press YES
  • Press down arrow until “Rings Required” is displayed, factory default is “005” press NO and change to 001, press YES
  • Press menu followed by down arrow to “Setup Modules” press YES
  • Press down arrow until “Modem Speed” is displayed. Ensure this is set to 2400, if not press NO until 2400 is displayed then press YES
  • Press menu followed by the down arrow until “Com Port Setup” is displayed, press YES
  • “Onboard Digicom (Com300 Module)” is now displayed, press NO then down arrow until “Com2400 Module” is displayed, press YES
  • Unit is now setup for UDL

Things to consider on installation

  • Make a note of the panel’s Make, Model and Version e.g. Elite, 48, version x2
  • This information is critical when setting up a file in Wintex from where ever your UDL connection is being made from