Panel Connection – Dial Capture

Manufacturer Carrier
Model ATS
Version Advisor Master
Minimum Panel Firmware 04.09.24
Cable required?

MCM connected to

  • DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module CS.1.402
  • DualCom Pro 2 - DI & AL
Panel Bus Connection Dial Capture
Technical Notes See below

Panel Connection Information

DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module - Line A
DualCom Pro 2 - DI
DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module - Line B
DualCom Pro 2 - AL

    Panel Programming

    • Enter User code
    • Go to Menu 7 and enable service mode
    • Enter Engineer mode
    • Go to menu 17 and enable service In
    • Go to menu 19 Select advanced service menu
    • Go to Menu 9 Communication options
    • Ensure PBX is BLANK
    • Ensure MSN is BLANK
    • Select dial tone detection (UK)
    • Select DTMF tone dialling (YES)
    • Select enable PSTN line fault monitor (NO)
    • Select Monitor Service tones (NO)
    • Select 3-digit SIA extensions (YES)
    • Select ISDN point to point (NO)
    • Select 200 baud reverse area open/close (NO)
    • Select X25 TEI value <2>
    • Select Audio listen in time <180>
    • Select Audio listen in time frame <30>
    • Select Report mains fault (YES)
    • Select Report line fault (YES)
    • Select Enable GSM line fault monitor (NO)
    • Select the central station to program (Central station1)
    • Select the reporting format (Option 7)
    • Enter the first phone number <01234 567890>
    • Enter the first phone number 2
    • Enter the system account number <_____>
    • Select BELL modem tones for SIA (YES)
    • Enter the Area account number <_____>
    • Select Dual reporting (NO)
    • Select listen in (NO)
    • Select Disable reporting inhibits (NO)
    • Select reserved (NO)
    • Select X_SIA Max Characters <30>
    • Select X25 account code (Not Set)
    • Select X25 line type <0>
    • Select connection type 0 (PSTN)
    • Suppress FTC for voice reporting (NO)
    • Retry Count (10)

    UDL/Remote Management Programming

    • Go to menu 29
    • Select enable remote up/download (YES)
    • Select up/download if any area armed (YES)
    • Select Enable remote control (YES)
    • Select Remote control if any area armed (YES)
    • Select use modem init string (NO)
    • Select Report alarms to computer (NO)
    • Select Report access events to computer (NO)
    • Enter security password <0000000000> (Ten zeros)
    • Select Security attempts <255>
    • Select Number of rings before answering <1>
    • Select Number of calls before answering <0>
    • Select Answer machine defeat (NO)
    • Select Reserved (NO)